Suhas Dissanayake

Android app developer

Food-E App


The International Numbering System for Food Additives (INS) is a naming system for food additives. When any food additives are added to a product during the manufacturing process, the INS numbers corresponding to these additives can be seen on the product’s ingredient list. These numbers are usually prefixed with INS or E(Hence these numbers are also called as E numbers)

For the consumer’s to find the exact ingredients used in a product, they will have to look up these E-numbers, which can be a tiresome and frustrating process. So, In order to simplify this process, I made the Food-E App.

App Features

As I said above, the main goal of this app is to provide you an easy to access, comprehensive database of food additives. I’ve added almost all the additives and a short description for each additive. At the time of writing, this app contains more than 560 additives.

This app offers a search bar that you can use to search additives by the number or the name.

foode screenshots

After publishing this app on GitHub, I received a lot of useful suggestions to improve the app experience. One of which was adding halal status for each additive.

Barcode scanner

I initially wanted this app to be simple, and do what it said, without any additional features. However, I changed my mind after getting a bunch of requests to add a barcode scanner to this app.

Now you can use this app to search for products using the open food facts database. You can scan barcodes and get information about the food product.

foode screenshots